Wednesday, April 7, 2010

103 Good Things about Unemployment

103. You are home to stop one of your dogs from bringing in a coveted dead squirrel, bloody and mangled. He reluctantly left it at the door to come in and eat. When I let him out, it was gone. A neighbor dog was sneaking away with it. Even the unemployed dogs in this rural area are wandering. For a laugh, here is an illustrated version of The Wanderer by Dion and The Belmonts including John Glenn, The Three Stooges and a floating newborn.

102. Although it may not seem like it some days, you are luckier than this tree.

101. You watch your two-year-old pup carry a tree branch ten times her size until she breaks it into a manageable piece and then it becomes uninteresting and is dropped.

\\\ For Good Things numbered 1 through 100, see 100 Good Things about Unemployment posted April 3, 2010. ///

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